Painting/Decorating Contractors Pricing Sheets - Deluxe 235
Estimates and pricing sheets are a must to ensure that both parties are on the same page with estimated costs of a project.
5,000 Companies save time and money with GoCanvas

Now you can create estimates and pricing sheets instantly at the job site rather than spending time in the evenings and weekends filling out paperwork.
The app serves as a pricing sheet template that allows users to specify multiple jobs performed, quantity of materials used, and unit prices for each product or material. Final amounts are automatically calculated for your convenience. You can add more to the template as needed, for instance you can include pricing tables that compare various materials or add reviews from past customers that help to convey why you the potential customer should choose to work with you.
Submit pricing sheet data instantly from anywhere, anytime and access it via cloud storage on the Canvas Cloud platform.
GoCanvas accounts come
with hundreds of form templates

Don't take our word for it...
“I’m not a tech guy and I was able to pick this thing up in probably an hour, and actually start to build apps. I’ve done them over lunch when I’ve gotten frustrated with a process that didn’t exist in our company. So for non tech people who’ve got a problem, the support here is awesome and I’d recommend it to anybody, not just in our industry.”